Nathan Galloway Podcast

WIRED 2- Why It Matters - Audio



WIRED: For a life of worship. When you hear the word worship what do you think of? Ask yourself the question, What or who do you worship? When you follow the trail of your time, energy, affection, and money you find a throne. And whatever or whomever is on that throne is the object of your worship! All day long we give our time, energy and affection to something or someone. Day by day, we declare our allegiance. In other words, we worship. Worship is about what we value most. Not just for the religious within church walls, worship is the core activity of the human soul. That means you are a worshiper! It is how you are wired. What is essential is that we choose wisely, worshiping what is ultimately worthy of our lives both now and forever. The challenge of this series is a lifestyle of worship, a whole-life response to a glorious God.