Real Wealth Real Health

Journey Within - Renaming the Podcast



This podcast is getting a new name - Journey Within: Insights On The Soul's Path.  With lots of changes - very positive ones - in my personal and professional life, I've decided to rename this podcast, and all the previous content, and spin off 'Real Wealth Real Health' into a podcast about financial empowerment, wealth building and financial health. You can sign up to get notified of when it launches, at  As a 20+ year business woman, executive, entrepreneur and investor, I have a lot to say on the topics of finance, investing, wealth-building and financial wellness. Yes, that's a real term and an important one in a day and age where more and more people (including those making 6 figures) are living paycheck to paycheck, can't get out of student loan debt, and have almost given up on the idea of owning a home.  More than ever, we need to empower ourselves financially, take control of our material lives, while we also do our inner work. Within and without are symbi