Uu Church Of Kent Ohio

Rising Green



Join us Sunday, March 22 at 10 AM for this virtual service hosted via Zoom Video Conferencing. The link to join the worship service can be found below. Led by Rev. Steven Protzman and DRE Collen Thoele The song "Rising Green" reminds us that the energy of the earth flows through us as well as through all of life and with it is the promise of a new day full of possibilities.  We will gather as a community of all ages to welcome the return of spring and celebrate the Spring equinox with stories, songs, and rituals that invite us to join in the renewal of life. Also particicpating today was Elaine Bowen, Worship Associate. Click here to download a copy of the Order of Service. To Join the Zoom Gathering: Time: Mar 22, 2020 09:45 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)          Every week on Sunday until further notice           Mar 22, 2020 09:45 AM Click here to Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/764615105?pwd=SitTNUpMZDIvMUtqQk83Rk52a3kyQT09 Meeting ID: 764 615 105 Password: 980