

Remember Ebola? It was all our media talked about for weeks... ...and then, suddenly, it just disappeared. But did the threat go away? (You can bet it DIDN'T - we just stopped talking about!) Now there's a new threat that recently infected an entire cruise ship that stopped in Hong Kong: The deadly Wuhan Coronavirus. The Chinese built an entire hospital in just 10 days to handle the threat... ...and people are still DYING! In this week's podcast episode, Modern Combat & Survival's Jeff Anderson explains what YOU can do to prepare for the Coronavirus pandemic threat. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The simple product that's selling out in the United Kingdom...that you should be buying right now! Why "feeding a cold" won't solve your problem, but storing survival food just might. The "white lie" you can tell that will help you stock up on vital medications before a pandemic outbreak. How your government might work against you in a pandemic! What you should be watching out for