Wild Goose

Why I went to Breakfast with Trump feat. Sarah Heath



Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ This year has provided me all kinds of weird and unexpected opportunities to be in conversation with people I totally disagree with. From appearing on Buzzfeed with a Baptist to being invited to President Trump's prayer breakfast I have had lots of facetime with people that many would deem "The other side." I am also the only main line and female leader in my towns "lead pastor group." As you can imagine we don't see eye to eye. What I am discovering is that I need these relationships even more than I need the people who agree with me. These are the very people that if I just relied on their online presence I would detest, or even be afraid of. These relationships are helping me be a better person and teaching me about the heart of God. I want to share ways that we can all engage the other and how this is the only way that any change is going to happen in our own lives and in the world. I believe that the only way we are ev