Passive Real Estate Investing

$700,000 Equity to Invest - A "Live" Client Call | PREI 224



Today's episode is essentially a client call recording. And this lady, Ashley is working with one of my investment counselors here already, but she sent in an email, under the Ask Marco category and threw a question out at me. So she writes in and saying, hi Marco. Big question for you. I'm at the point in my investing where I'm ready to cash out, refinance my primary residence here in Massachusetts that will net me about $700,000 in proceeds and I really want to move that dead equity into real estate. My goal is cashflow to help cover our significantly larger primary mortgage and also get me closer to leaving my six figure w2 job. So the big question, what would you do with $700,000 to invest to maximize cashflow? Download your FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing: IF YOU LIKE THIS PODCAST we would love if you would go to iTunes and Subscribe, Rate & Review our podcast. This will greatly help share our podc