Kootenai Church Adult Sunday School

Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – April 19, 2020



Questions from the Q&A If man is totally depraved, why is he capable of performing selfless "good" acts? Can you explain what 1 Timothy 2:14-15 means re: Adam not being deceived? Depending on how 1 Cor 14:34-36 is interpreted would we conclude that women are NOT TO SPEAK in church? Does all their instruction come from their husband? What if the husband is not a believer? What is the purpose of the book of Revelation well? I'm not sure how to respond to those who read it, and then look for all the ways it connects to current events, sort of like a biblical dot to dot? I've heard people say that God causes calamity. True. Does God cause it or allow it or is there a difference? What is the purpose of the book of Revelation well? I'm not sure how to respond to those who read it, and then look for all the ways it connects to current events, sort of like a biblical dot to dot? Should Christians concern themselves with "conspiracy theories" and "satanic" goings-on in the world? One look