Woodshop 101 Podcast

WS165 : Power of Podcasting Together (WBC 2019)



ON TODAY'S SHOW This is a special episode… you will be hearing the talk we gave at WorkbenchCon 2019 titled “Power of Podcasting Together”. DONATIONS IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A PATRON OR OUR PATREON CAMPAIGN THEN HEAD OVER TO HTTPS://WWW.PATREON.COM/WOODSHOP101. ALL OUR PATRONS RECEIVE AN AFTER TWICE A MONTH AS A BENEFIT. YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT THE SHOW BY PURCHASING SOME PODCAST SWAG AT HTTPS://WWW.COUNTRYSIDEWORKSHOP.COM/SHOP. WHILE YOU ARE AT IT GO LEAVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON THE PODCAST PLAYER OF YOUR CHOICE. Thank you to our current supporters: John Ramminger, Sean McHenry, Carl Mose, Neil Sims, Eric Rhoten, and Bryan Collette. YOUTUBE... If you listen to us on another medium, please stop by our YouTube Channel and subscribe. We are keeping track of our subscribers because once we reach a certain milestone we will be partnering with different companies to bring you all some great things.  HOW CAN YOU REACH US? You can send us an email at kickback@woodshop101podcast.com Facebook : https://www.facebook