Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Shadow Work



In this episode, I talk about my perspective on shadow work and how it's an important part of the awakening process. We are both light and dark and shadow work is casting a light on your "darkness." Your shadow is the parts of you that you don't really want to look at haha. It's the aspect of you that holds your limiting beliefs, addictions, coping mechanisms, habits and old traumas. When you shine a light on these aspects of you, you begin to heal them and thus transcend them. This is a part of the spiritual awakening because you're becoming whole. When you acknowledge your shadow you can integrate this aspect of you. It's not easy work! It takes courage and there are many people that are not willing to do this and that's ok! This work isn't necessarily for everyone! However, if you are called towards spirituality and have a deep knowing you want to heal and ascend, it's likely you will go through this phase. Remember to have compassion for yourself as you purge this density and love this phase. It's part of