Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Technique to Shift Your Energy Fast



We clean our bodies everyday on a physical level but we tend to neglect our energy field! This is the energy that surrounds us that's about 3 feet in circumference around our body. This field holds a lot of information that affects our emotions and well being. We want to maintain a clear space as often as possible to keep our vibration high! We are always bumping into other people's energy fields and often taking on energy that is not our own.  We may be feeling great and then next thing we know we're agitated and irritable. Sometimes that's from someone's else's energy, not your own! Whether low vibrations are from someone else or from your own life,  it's always a good idea to clean your space regularly. This technique you can do silently in your own mind with your intention and visualization.  To book a session or work with me please email me at hholladay@gmail.com