Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

Relational Liabilities



Ways to know they are an asset: You Are All Around Better Off Now Than You Were Before You Met. Have you learned a lot as a result of the relationship? You are better off financially You’re healthier Your energy is more positive They respect your boundaries They pour into you – they don’t just take, they also give How do you know if a relationship is a liability? They are energy vampires – when you are in their presence, they suck the positive/good energy out of the environment There’s always drama with them – always drama in their life or they are always causing drama. Everything is always about them. They consume the conversations with their life. When you’re hanging out, it’s all about what they want, where they want to go, what they want to eat, what attention they are getting They are slick with the tongue – they put you down or insult you or throw shade but pass it off as just joking. They compete with you – yes, this also happens in romantic relationships They secretly copy you They on the low, hate on