Navigating with Zakkee Ahmad

017: My Sex Demon



(Recorded Jan 14, 2020) This episode is easily the most vulnerable I've been on social media and outwardly in general. "My Sex Demon" was the biggest contributor to my early days of depression many years ago. I struggled a LOT (& still do in some ways) with my previous perceptions of sex: what it meant to me, to those around me, to society, and to my life! My perceptions were shaken, and, as a "Mediator" personality type who is guided by their virtues and principles, this was a very big deal because it was something that I considered so special and so important. Today, I can look back and say with confidence that these experiences have shaped who I am in a very positive way. I am empowered because this insecurity, this fear, this nemesis no longer controls me. I know that I have the ability to control it and one of the ways that I am is sharing it's story with you: from my new & empowered perspective. I won't lie, it still makes me feel insecure and uncomfortably vulnerable at times (hell, I recorded