Albany Grove

Seed Growing Slowly



This service was a little different. After Pastor James shared on the parable of the seed growing slowly from Mark chapter 4 we did an extended time of prayer and worship. We used the following questions for meditation and prayer: 1. Spend time thinking about how the Kingdom of god is growing around you. Where do you see hints of God's reign? Give God praise for these things and these people. Lift up in prayer the parts of our world, our country, our city, our workplaces, schools, families and friends that are desperate for God's kingdom. 2. We live in a Kingdom that has come and is in the process of coming. We live in the middle. How does God want you to be a part of his kingdom? Does God's way conflict with your own desires for your life? Ask God to give you a heart for His way, for His kingdom. Present to him those parts of your life where you feel stuck, where you sense He is working but you can't see it. Ask God to help you wait. God help us to live submitted lives to your timing and to your Kingdo