Connected With Mika Bradford Podcast

#26 - Interview with Tami Fraser: The Wahls Protocol, A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles



In this episode of CONNECTED with Mika we're discussing: The Wahls Protocol, A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles, with Wahls practitioner Tami Fraser.  In this episode, Tami takes us on a journey through her family's trials and tribulations they encountered when seeking medical treatment for numerous health conditions, diagnoses, and abnormal lab test results. With a diminishing, quality of life, she shares how the Wahls Protocol transformed her health and that of her son primarily through dietary changes. If you or a loved one is suffering from chronic health issues that you can't seem to get control of no matter what physician you've seen or the medications you've tried, then maybe the Wahls Protocol is for you! Listen to Tami's amazing story as she shares her simple truth of how she traded hours of many therapies and medications for time in her kitchen, transforming her family's health through diet. To learn more about the Wahls Protocol or to find Tami or pr