Navigating with Zakkee Ahmad

022: How I lived on 1 Paycheck for 2 Years



(Recorded May 16, 2020) Ok, technically it wasn't quite 1 paycheck - it was actually LESS than 1 paycheck! The paycheck I refer to is the one I made as an engineer. I baffled many people over these 2 years by not working and barely making income. I really appreciated the concern that I got from people about it (& in a sick way, I kinda enjoyed watching people awkwardly ask me about this stuff cause I know how crazy it is how I am the way I am...), but I know that even more people than that wondered and didn't ask. Well, I'm breaking it down in this episode. Spolier alert - there's no overnight formula that I used to stretch my money starting when I quit my 9-5. It was many contributing factors that I know anyone can implement for themselves if they're truly willing to.