The Tony Moze Podcast

What's your ONE thing? (talk with Co-Author Jay Papasan)



I had the pleasure to talk with Jay Papasan, co-author of the Wallstreet bestseller, "The ONE Thing," which has sold millions of copies world wide. The primary author, Gary Keller, is also the founder and CEO at Keller-Williams realty, a real estate company. They have written other books, such the Millionaire Real Estate Investor and the Millionaire Real Estate Agent," as well as "Hold: How to find, buy and rent houses for wealth." Jay Papasan is also a Vice President at Keller-Williams. In this episode we discuss about the book, "The ONE Thing" and how it can inspire your life. ----------------------------- You can find Jay Papasan at: ----------------------------------------- Find me on: 1.) 2.) Instagram: 3.) Snapchat: TonyMoze 4.) Anchor: 5.) Twitter/Periscope: 6.) Good Reads: Tony Moze