The Tony Moze Podcast

Get Up! Why your chair is KILLING you!



In this episode, I get to talk to Dr. James A. Levine, who is a medical doctor and obesity expert at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, USA. If only you saw our Skype session, you would have been WOW'd with his personality and energy. He made a treadmill office, which I believe revolutionizes how we go about keeping in shape. Non-Exercises Activity Thermogenesis also known as N.E.A.T. is actually what keeps us healthy. If you were to stand and walk after eating, or walk while you're at your 8 hour cubicle at exactly 1.5 mph, you will have walked your 10,000 steps that the RDA recommends. His book "GET UP! Why your chair is killing you and what you should do about it," talks about how standing up and walking alleviates you from the ABC of medical issues.