Rv Navigator

RV Navigator Episdoe 19 - RVing on steroids



We have been cruising since 1973 - almost as long as we have been RVing so we have had many exciting trips on various cruise ships over the years. When we thing of cruising is it in many ways like RVing. Compact living away from home. AHHH, but cruising has a major difference - 2600 passengers move from port to port with only one driver. We don't have to navigate, drive, cook, clean or worry about where to park. RVing is great but cruising puts it on steroids. We talk about the similarities and difference and add a few RV specific topics in the mix. How did you finance your last RV? Our recent purchase made us do the research to consider the pros and cons of each option. We candidly share our financing decisions with listeners and ask for feedback and comments.