Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

When Tragedy Strikes, the One Question that Helps – Afterlife TV



Bite-Sized Episode (15 min.): Since March, we've been living amidst tragedy and hardship. For some, it’s a health crisis. For others, financial. Still others are experiencing misery and misfortune that varies as wide and weighty as anyone's imagination can fathom. From an afterlife perspective, this episode is about what I learned about dealing with tragedy while I was investigating the afterlife. This episode focuses on the one question—the ONLY question—we should ask ourselves when calamity knocks us down in order to move in a positive direction. It also covers the one question we typically ask ourselves that never, ever leads to a positive outcome. This, of course, is based on this Afterlife Investigator’s unexpected discovery during a 23-year investigation of life after death. Enjoy! With so much love it'll make your eyes water, Bob Olson and PS, If you watch the video, I must give credit for all the gorgeous photos to my lovely wife, Melissa. I'm usually walking with her w