The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

070: How Mary Can Save Civilization…again



Have we lost? Because a lot of people think so. Earlier this year a book came out called The Benedict Option. It's a runaway bestseller written by a famous former Evangelical named Rod Dreher. He basically says we've lost the culture war and radical change in lifestyle is needed if Christianity is going to survive in the West. And he's right...most of the time. While Dreher's call for a retreat into a kind quasi-monastic existence rings true on many levels, it misses a key ingredient that can change everything...Mary. Enter Dr. Carrie Gress. In this year of the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions, she provides a little different slant...a Marian slant. Her new book "The Marian Option: God's Solution to a Civilization in Crisis" presents what I think is Dreher's missing link. If you don't recognize the hand of Mary in our past then you can't understand her pivotal role for our future. So in this episode, Dr. Gress and I will discuss: What exactly is the Marian Option Why Mary is the "Cultivator of Cult