The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

052: Catholic Q&A – Mary/Contraception/Suffering



We've all got questions. None more important then those dealing with our faith. Not long ago, I invited listeners to send me questions or issues with which they're dealing. I got some great responses from all over the world. So in this special episode of The Art of Catholic, we're going to deal with a few of them. (Some of these I deal with in my first book Louder Than Words: The Art of Living as a Catholic...the book which inspired the podcast!) Some of the important issues we'll discuss include: What to do when you really don't feel a relationship with Mary. How Mary makes sense in God's family The underlying reason for contraception in our culture Why contraception isn't even on the radar of most Protestants The insane end result of a contraceptive culture A response to a Protestant's inquiry regarding redemptive suffering including why and how it works The problem with "penal substitution" (a Protestant teaching about the Cross) and its relation to redemptive suffering This is an episode for Catholic and