The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

048: How Almsgiving Can Save Your Life…Now and Later



Fasting? Powerful. Prayer? Absolutely necessary. Almsgiving? Can save you from death! In our last episode, we discovered the revolution that occurred in the Old Testament with regard to handling the consequences of sin. We saw how it evolved from something we had to wait and endure, to something akin to a debt we could "pay down" proactively. In other words, we discovered you can actually shave time off of purgatory through almsgiving. It was pretty huge. Now we're going to take it one step further. In today's program we're going to unpack the incredible meaning behind a simple little verse in Proverbs: “The treasuries of wickedness provide no benefit, but almsgiving delivers from death" (10:2).  That’s a pretty amazing sentence. And it’s not hyperbole. It’s not exaggeration. It's the truth...and we'll see it in Scripture. In this powerful episode we'll: Discover the little discussed details in the story of the raising of Tabitha from the dead and how they're all related to almsgiving Understand why almsgivin