The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

045: Fire From Above: Christian Contemplation & Mystical Wisdom



God didn't just create you...He thirsts for you! His heart is bursting with love for you! Yes, you! That is the underlying message of the mystics. It's also the underlying message of one of the best spiritual theologians in the United States. Dr. Anthony Lilles, Academic Dean at St. John's Seminary in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles can illuminate and discuss the interior life unlike anyone else I've heard or met. (You might remember him from episode 3.) His new book is Fire From Above: Christian Contemplation and Mystical Wisdom...and it's awesome. He is so steeped in the rich mystical tradition of spiritual giants like John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, and Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, that the power of their message almost bursts out of him. To be perfectly honest, I had something totally different in mind when I contacted Anthony to come on show. But then the Holy Spirit took over. Here's where He led the conversation: The mystical relationship between martyrdom and contemplation (inspired by the 21