The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

036: The Amazing Life and Power of Angels with Mike Aquilina



"For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways" (Psalm 91:11). Since the last show was, shall we say, a bit dark, I decided we needed a burst of light. How much more light can you get than angels? And to shed light on an already bright and beautiful topic, I've got author, speaker, EWTN host, and all around terrific human being, Mike Aquilina. Mike has written a ton about the angels. (Check out his beautiful devotional "A Year With the Angels" when you have a chance.) Today's show includes the following topics: Are all angels alike? Do they have a primary role? How are angels and humans different? The greatest piece of advice ever with regard to guardian angels How to establish a relationship with your guardian angel Can fallen angels (i.e. demons) ever be saved? Does our relationship with angels change in heaven? What do the Church Fathers say about angels? All that and more on this bright, beautiful and powerful episode of the The Art of Catholic! Happy Easter! Matthew P.S. Don't f