More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Service Charges



If you’re always surprised when you see your bill every month because of the additional service charges, then this episode is for you!  Today in the More With Moreira Podcast, Desmond discusses everything you need to know about the service charges you see on your bill. Clearly, you have forgotten, or maybe haven’t read, what is on your lease contract if you’re not aware it. If you’re having doubts, review and understand the lease contract regarding your service charges. Discover why you should also know how service charges are portioned among tenants, why are you paying it, and what’s included in it.  KEY TAKEAWAYS  Service Charges are a payment towards general repairs and maintenance. Its amount depends on where you live – what type it is and the ongoing renovation.  Lease contracts should always be read and understood by the tenant. It contains your obligations of a tenant or a homeowner and the obligations of the landlord.   Lease contracts include legal jargons. Ask guidance if needed.  Most of the time