Overcoming Narcissism With Olivia

E21: Reality TV star Seb Guilhaus shares how his adventure on national TV gave him a beautiful platform to helping others live their best lives



In this episode, I speak on a deep and personal level with reality TV star Seb Guilhaus from "Married at First Sight" (MAFS) season 7, 2020. Seb is my FIRST male guest on the show! I'm soooooo excited to share with you an incredible story from a male's perspective, as Seb opens up about his lifelong battle with self-love and acceptance. Seb shares with us: - His life BEFORE fame from a reality TV show (before starring on 'Married at First Sight'). - His romantic relationship with Lizzie Sobinoff and their progress since leaving the show. - How being on International TV has completely changed his life and given him a very powerful platform to help empower others to be the best version of themselves, live their best life and be "well". - His personal development journey & tips about how he got out of a dark place. - Listen out for Seb's LIVE event & wellness seminar, where he brings on multiple speakers to help the general population live a life of "wellness". Watch “Married at First Sight” Season 7, 20