All Nations Church Bedford

FOF004: Understand He Loves You



Love is an antidote to fear, John tells us that perfect love drives out fear. Fear entered the world when Adam and Eve sinned and then feared God’s condemnation, but this is not how God wants us to live our lives. God is love and when we understand the enormity of His love for us fear cannot dwell. The Jewish people did not speak the name Jehovah as they considered it too sacred and yet we know that God calls us into a deeper relationship with Him, He calls us to open our hearts to Him, to learn about His character and make His identity our identity. In these times of uncertainty, it is so important to understand God as our loving father, the person in whose household we get to dwell. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US HERE*** ***GET IN TOUCH***