Soul Healing With Traci Trimble, Phd

Chakra Basics ~ Traci Trimble, PhD



Soul Healing with Traci Trimble, PhD Radio Show In Energy Medicine, the talk of the town is all about the Chakras. The big question is always what are the basics… the need to know about the Chakras. While the Chakras are very indepth and often complicated the basics are quite simple. In order to understand the language of energy we must be able to navigate the chakra system. Join Traci Trimble, PHD as she takes you on a journey through your chakra system! ~ More About Soul Healing with Traci Trimble, PhD ~  Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? In energy medicine it is believed that depression, anxiety, acute stress and chronic pain are all effects of Soul and Ego in chaos. Did you know that such Spiritual disconnection leads to mental neurosis? This in turn creates emotional turmoil and that is what causes our physical discomfort and/or dysfunction. Imagine that there is truth in this! So again, we ask… Are you sick and tired of felling sick and tired? What if, through Self Awareness (without jud