Lords Of Loud

Episode 50: Anniversary Special



Epic Episode Alert! After standard segments 'Album of the Week' and 'Episode Sponsor', the Lords slip on their rose-tinted spectacles and look back in anger and some confusion at our favourite moments from the first 50 episodes. Top quotes, rants and a disturbing and relentless swimwear debate ensue. This anniversary episode is further graced with a heartwarming tribute to Dusty Turner, the pioneer of geometry-based bluegrass. Enjoy gems like 'Fraction of my Heart' and 'Wackin' the Weasel'. There are prizes given away and shameless plugs for the phenomenal BC5 Creative and Zip Studios. We also take the time to explain/destroy each of the other Lords. What's really in Lord Al's heart? What's Brett's hair doing now? Can Lord Ben survive on a diet of Bread and Meat Loaf? Why is Kev wearing Doc Martens down the pool? We wind up looking at the top albums from 50 years ago. Hope you enjoy the anniversary special. Thanks for listening and don't forget to check out our Instant Gran page : )