Purpose With Corie Clark

How to Sell Without Being Salesy with Colin Boy



This week I’m chatting with my own business coach and mastermind facilitator, Colin Boyd! Colin is an expert at speaking and selling on stage and is now helping others own the virtual stage we’ve all been given.  Sign up for his free training here: https://bit.ly/corie-speak Colin helps experts, course creators and coaches to speak confidently on stage to sell...without coming across pushy or sales-y. He’s obsessed with creating step-by-step strategies that anyone can follow to become both confident and powerful at speaking and selling on live stage, webinar and video. As a keynote speaker for over 10 years he brings a depth of experience that few have to entertain and also move an audience to action. He’s best known for Sell From Stage Academy® which is the leading program for growing your business through speaking. He lives in Newport Beach, California with his amazing wife and two little kids.