All Nations Church Bedford

FOF006: Speak To Him In The Storm



Prayer should be a massive part of how we react when we are fearful, even Jesus made time alone with His Father in prayer a priority in His life. He knew that when you are completely alone with God you can speak to Him honestly and from the depths of your heart. In these verses of Matthew 14:22-32, it is His closeness to God that allows Him to walk on water and encourage Peter to do the same, but Peter allows His fear to take over and things start to go wrong, he panics, but even in this place as he cries out ‘Lord save me’ Jesus reaches out His hand to him. No matter how we feel, no matter what state we have got ourselves into, even in our fear, doubt and mess as we reach out in prayer, Jesus hears the cries of our heart and responds. ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***CHAPTERS*** 00:22 Welcome 01:14 Worship 104:23 Welcome & Notices