Husky International

Hiking the Fjällräven Classic, #29



This year Fjällräven Classic turns fifteen. It is an event that attracts more than two thousand hikers from 48 different nations - and that is just for the Swedish edition.I was invited to experience a hiking event that manages to combine pristine nature with rock'n'roll and tattoos.We already know that hiking is pretty much the best you can do for your body and soul - there are more people than ever looking to hit the trails and there is no sign that this hiking trend would come to a halt.When the very first Fjällräven Classic appeared it was a sort of mutated offshoot to something that was then called Fjällräven Extreme Marathon- an event that now lives on under the name Björkliden Arctic Mountain Marathon.But unlike that event - and unlike anything else at that time - here was an event that didn't focus on the fastest times and the performance - but the experience of it. The organizers wanted to show, not only the area around Kebnekaise and The Kings Trail, but also the beauty of hiking.