Lasers On The Ride

S01E10 - Stop Collaborate and Listen (Vol. 1)



In episode 10 of Lasers on the Ride, the first of three in the “Break-Ups to Wake-Ups” series, Mike recalls how the Knicks disrespected Phife with a t-shirt and the Lasers discuss Popeye and whether spinach was just drugs. Akil discusses his idea for a Montreal-centric tv show called “Frontreal” and wonders whether his twitter presence is too negative before Mike gets negative about microwaving fish. Mike finally addresses Akil’s hate-on for fellow producers and Akil gives us some insight into what’s really going on in there. An incredibly confident Akil launches the idea for a Lasers-only “Rhythm Roulette”, presumably forgetting that they had already planned on doing one, and Mike and Jay discuss happy accidents during freestyles.