Gaming Steve

Gaming Steve Episode 60 – 03.07.2007



I’m Not Dead Yet! Yes everyone, I am back and I figured that since I started doing the show at GDC 2005 it was appropriate to resume with the start of GDC 2007. Today I recap the day’s events and the pivotal Sony keynote and just like last year I am sharing the mic with a fellow blogger/podcaster Gamer Andy from Gamer Andy. Enjoy everyone! Gaming Steve Episode 60 Program Game Developers Conference Day 1 Recap Andy and I talk about the excellent Sony keynote and the new Home system. Will a great keynote be enough to turn the press to Sony’s favor? We discuss the incredible-looking LittleBigWorld game as well as SingStar Online. Why are publishers looking for a strong leader and why do they hate the Wii so much? And where does this all leave Microsoft and the Xbox 360? Download the show (52 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 60 (MP3). Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes (MP3). Add the Gaming Steve Podcast feed to your RSS aggregator.