Gaming Steve

Gaming Steve Episode 58 – 08.16.2006



So why was E3 really scaled back, and what the heck is XNA? All of this and more on this week’s show! Oh yeah, and more information on how to write for the site. Gaming Steve Episode 58 Program 00:05:06 Game News: Goodbye Computer Gaming World, hello Microsoft. Big surprise, Spore is heading to consoles. Downloadable content is making a mint. Bioware gets MMOG middleware. Spore delayed again. The analysts’ were wrong (again), game sales are better than ever. Ho hum, Blizzard bans a mere 59,000 WoW accounts. World of Datecraft? Card-arcade hybrid heading to the DS. Japanese buy 10 million DSes. RIP E3 … we will miss you. 00:42:15 Interview: Chris Satchell, General Manager of Game Development for Microsoft chats about XNA. 00:55:59 Review: Dead Rising for the Xbox 360. 01:04:57 “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week, a new clip, and the always cool prize! 01:07:32 Show Mail: I answer your audio questions. 01:31:12 Final Thoughts: Make sure to check out the new Caesar IV demo.