Gaming Steve

Gaming Steve Episode 25 – 11.07.2005



I guess I have totally given up on trying to make the show shorter as every time I try it just ends up longer. Oh well, enjoy this week’s gaming goodness. Gaming Steve Episode 25 Program 00:01:36 Game News: is reborn. Video Games Live canceled … again. Peter Jackson POed with EA. Virtual property sells for $100k. Uwe Boll splits Dungeon Siege movie (Ed note: after the show was recorded Uwe changed his mind and will now release one 2 hour and 40 minute movie instead). Blizzard fires up the Burning Crusade. Star Wars Galaxies commits seppuku. Sony Online developing “free” MMO. City of Villains unleashes its evil on the world. Elder Scrolls IV missing Xbox 360 launch. Sony starts selling PSP Media Manager. Starcraft: Ghost skipping GameCube. Xbox 360 Lounge opens in Tokyo. Doh! EA snags The Simpsons for next-gen. Bioware and Pandemic form partnership. EA announces Command & Conquer 12-pack. 00:46:08 GameTalk: I answer lots of viewer questions. 01:18:34 SporeTalk: A new