Gaming Steve

Gaming Steve Episode 4 – 03.17.2005



Wow, what a week! Just a few days ago this site didn’t even exist. Then I go to GDC, record some thoughts, talk about Will Wright’s Spore and the site explodes. Now reaching close to 25,000 visitors since Monday I made sure to get the new podcast up nice and fast where I talk about — what else — Spore, and answer the dozen or so questions I got over the week. So without further ado, here is the latest podcast of Gaming Steve: In this show I personally thank everyone who has come to the site and given me their support and great comments. In the News segment I talk about the PSP and its big launch next week. In Gametalk I answer about a dozen different questions I got over the week about Spore. So once again I talk about Spore in extreme detail and try to answer all the various questions I got over the week. Next, I introduce the “Name That Game!” weekly contest where I play three different tunes for you to try and identify. Be the first one to tell me what they are and win