14 Minutes Of Saas

E122 – Trustpilot CEO Founder Peter Mühlmann – 3 of 3 – Market beats Team beats Product



Episode 122 of 14 minutes of SaaS  – Trustpilot CEO Founder Peter Mühlmann – 3 of 3 –  chats with AppSelekt CEO Stephen Cummins in Lisbon: "Market beats the team, beats the product. In the sense that picking the right market is often more important than anything else. But then getting the right team in place is more important than you having a good idea or not because it's the initial idea ... it's going to evolve. It's not like you’re sitting in the bathtub with the rubber duck and saying this is what the company is and what it's going to do. It is rather the sum of a 1,000 ideas. And then 990 of them are not yours"