Grand Tamasha

Sadanand Dhume and Tanvi Madan on India’s Triple Whammy: COVID, China, and the Economy



This week on Grand Tamasha, Milan is joined by podcast regulars Sadanand Dhume of the American Enterprise Institute and the Wall Street Journal and Tanvi Madan of the Brookings Institution to discuss the triple-whammy of crises facing India. The three discuss the latest on India’s contested border with China, the raging COVID pandemic--which shows very little sign of slowing down, and end with a discussion of the latest economic data. As always, they end by chatting about the news you need to be following (but may not be) and who had the best and worst weeks in India. Notes:Tanvi Madan’s book, “Fateful Triangle: How China Shaped U.S.-India Relations During the Cold War”Sadanand Dhume’s Wall Street Journal column, “What Beijing Lost With Its Border Clash Blunder.”Yamini Aiyar on the future of India’s fiscal federalism.Vivek Dehejia on India’s endangered growth story.Vijay Joshi’s book, “India’s Long Road: The Search for Prosperity.”