
EL002: The Art of Dictation aka Talk to Yourself Like a Crazy Person



The Art of Dication aka Talk to Yourself Like a Crazy Person by Josh Waggoner, from the Life Mastery Empire. How to talk to yourself like a crazy person to improve your speaking abilities. If you feel called to do so, Rate us on iTunes ***** Action Step: Practice dictating like Winston Churchill. record yourself asking a question and responding to it. Listen to the recording, Look for spots you can improve, such as pauses, filler words, and missteps. Email your recording to Josh@renaissancemanlife.com to be featured on the next episode. Remember, Practice makes Improvement! Support Eloquent, Life Mastery, and the Renaissance Life by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/ohmyjosh A little is a tremendous help in keeping the shows and blog going. You'll also gain early access and exclusive content to boot!