Sustainable Nano

Ep 17. Putting Science to Work for Society: A Visit to the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station



Chemistry at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station ranges from testing how nanoparticles help plants grow to determining what kind of poison was placed in someone's coffee. In this episode, we interview Dr. Jason White, Vice Director of Analytical Chemistry at the CAES and our newest collaborator in the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology. (Dr. Jason White planting eggplants at the Connecticut Agricultural Research Station. (image by Jan Ellen Spiegel, used with permission from Undark Magazine)) Want more podcast episodes? You can find them all on our podcast page, or you can subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher. #### **ABOUT THIS EPISODE** Related links: Dr. Jason White The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Undark magazine: In Connecticut, a Nanoscale Agricultural Experiment With Global Potential by Jan Ellen Spiegel Michael Crichton's novel Prey Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology Interviewee: Dr. Jason White Interviewers: Natalie Hudson-Smith and Jaya Borgatta Producer/Host: Miriam