Pedia Pain Focus

Why Investing in Pediatric Pain Management is the Cost-efficient Answer to a Public Health Crisis!



“In 2030, there will be 21 million children who will be turning 18, and approximately half a million of those will have chronic disabling pain that will last, oftentimes throughout the majority of their adulthood.” This statement is quite alarming, and also shows how important it is to improve pediatric pain care services NOW or risk the future. We not only discuss this issue, but Dr. McClain also gives us a peek on how a HCP can leverage the needs and resources within their hospitals to continually work with the patients and its workforce to establish superior and fiscally responsible services. Whether you are a caregiver, a nursing staff, a pediatrician, pain physician, any clinician or an institutional leader. The future needs your service to ensure a healthier society, NOW! Takeaways In This Episode How one pivotal experience determined the trajectory of Dr. McClain’s career and how she was led to choose pediatric pain medicine Pediatric pain medicine as a business model, the importance of a business pla