Pedia Pain Focus

What Pain Patients Want More Than Any Scripts or Tests



If you have ever found yourself wondering about the gap between what you said and what your patient or families heard, you would not want to miss this episode, with great insights from Ms. Pamela Block, a mother to a child chronic pain and CEO of a community for patients and families with a rare complex condition. She shares her own contrasting experiences with complex medical care for her daughter, including pain and leaving us with terrific little tweaks that will augment our quality of clinical care and outcomes.  Takeaways From This Episode What made her jump both feet into creating a patient and family community supported by healthcare providers  What patients and families see and hear during their medical encounters Factors leading to success or failure in outcomes of chronic or complex pain care Things that parents value, need and want in the care of their children's pain Priorities of patients and families with chronic pain The shifts that happen when parents feel heard and understand the goals What