Flix And A Six

Episode 81: We get Back into action with Alita



BIG NEWS ALERT!!! Before we get into the standard episode fare, we have an important announcement to make. The Spinchoon is launching another podcast: The Spinchoon Sports Show. Al will be one of the co-hosts there, as well as new ‘Choon, Mike Schaeffer. SO go check that out if you like fun and beer and sports (We know you like at least 2 of those). Also, as you can tell here, we’re leaving Souncloud very soon, so plan accordingly. Both shows are still gonna be basically everywhere else you can find podcasts. So let’s have some fun with it! Back to your regularly scheduled synopsis. This one is PRETTY damn good. Alita: Battle Angel, John Wick, Delicious Beer, James Gunn, What we’re watching and playing, Nolan Movie 2020, Star Wars??, and much more. So motor(ball) over and listen! Movie: Alita: Battle Angel (Movie starts at 1:10) Beer: 21st Amendment Brewery Back in Black (Black IPA)