Flix And A Six

Episode 74: We claw through the Smoke to escape the Spider-Verse



This week's show is infested with spiders….. *pauses, checks watch*….. OK, for those of you that aren't arachnophobes, we hope you'll enjoy an episode on THE. BEST. SPIDER-MAN. MOVIE. EVER. No that is not hyperbole. And, in a wonderful, unplanned occurrence of synergy, we have our first full Far From Home trailer to discuss. Since it was a week chock full of new trailers, we discuss a few other things upcoming, we listen to Anthony's analog(ish) tribulations in a digital world, and much more. So swing by and listen up. Movie: Spider-Verse: Into the Spider-Verse (Movie starts at 0:56) Beer: Jack's Abby Smoke & Dagger Black Lager