Flix And A Six

Episode 55: We discover our Mission is not Impossible, but rather Sumpin' Easy



Let's take a moment to wave goodbye to Blockbuster SZN 2018. Here with our final entry of the summer action flicks, who would have thought that 56 year old Tom Cruise would still be at the top of his game? He's a throwback in this age, just like the lovely can art of this week's beer. Hopefully you've planned accordingly, because this week's opening was derailed by one man's plan. Don't worry, though, as we got back on schedule to discuss DC TV shows, the definitive Inception ending take, Marvel post-Infinity War…. fallout (winks), Hollywood Birthday Hijinks, and the triumphant return of Al's Ales! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to check out our return from the briefest of hiatuses (hiati?).  Movie: Mission: Impossible - Fallout Beer: Lagunitas Sumpin' Easy Ale