Flix And A Six

Episode 54: We get Trapped in a web woven by our Enemy



This movie provokes thoughts. Good, bad, happy, sad. Confusing? Sure, but definitely thoughts. Indifference isn't an option. So exactly the opposite of a DCEU movie. We also had thoughts on upcoming movies and their expectations, the death of Moviepass, the (alleged) top 100 episodes of TV in the new millennium, and adventures in movie editing. O, and beer, obviously. We're sorry for such a seemingly haphazard episode, but then again, chaos is order yet undeciphered.  PS: Here's the link to the story Al referenced, and promptly butchered, in the finale http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2014/03/14/enemy_movie_ending_explained_the_meaning_of_the_jake_gyllenhaal_and_denis.html Movie: Enemy Beer: Von Trapp Brewing Dunkel Lager