Flix And A Six

Episode 37: We Get Out and Wake Up the Dead guy



Timely as always, we have some thoughts on Get Out. Oh, what’s that? (checks calendar) Ah, it’s been over a year since Get Out was released. Sorry….. Wait the Oscars they’re (checks calendar)…. damn it that was like 2 weeks ago…… Better late than never? Yeah, let’s go with that. In other examples of our resounding competence at this, this episode also features long winded discussions about the impending release of Ready Player One, Jon Favreau and his Star Wars show, animated media and adult perception of it, and this delicious beer we drank. Well that last part at least a core facet of our show. So grab a Left Hand Brewing Wake Up Dead Russian Imperial Stout, because we highly recommend it. It’s a jam packed episode of Flix & a Six, inly on The Spinchoon!