Flix And A Six

Episode 29: We unite the League to figure out how to pronounce Xocoveza



It’s fine if you can’t pronounce Stone Xocoveza, we had to look up a pronunciation just so we could do the episode. It was…. unique. You should give it a try though we definitely didn’t hate it. Of course, you might be wondering why this synopsis kicks off with beer talk, which definitely isn’t our standard form, but it’s definitely the most interesting thing about our topics this week. Don’t let that dissuade you from listening; just because Justice League was (predictably) bland, doesn’t mean we didn’t make some fun of our own. No, discussions of chemical explosions in Al’s backyard, daring thefts, and Henry Cavill’s upper lip make for plenty of fun. So tune in for a new Flix & a Six, only on The Spinchoon!