Flix And A Six

Episode 28: We prepare the Rogues for Ragnarok



Thor matters. We’re just as surprised as you are. This is already one of the top MCU movies in what is becoming a ridiculous catalog of titles. It’s also freaking hysterical. This isn’t a superhero movie, it’s an ensemble action comedy. I mean nonstop, laugh out loud funny comedy. So…. think Guardians of the Galaxy. Just don’t get it confused, they are not ripping this off. And that’s why this movie is worth watching, because if you’ve been listening to us, you know that making a different genre of movie is the only way the MCU can stay fresh. We have this conversation set against the backdrop of an incredibly delicious beer: Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar. This might rank among Anthony and Al’s top 3 for Flix & a Six beers. Of course, we open this all with some fun news items (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings (!!!), Justice League) from the movie landscape, so if you’re not down for that skip to around minute 50 for the Thor only (as if we don’t ramble) stuff. Great beer, great movie, great fun, great new episode o